Compared to other novels by PD James, this book was a big disappointment.
I was not concerned about the use of characters from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, as this procedure had been used successfully in such books as Jack Maggs by Peter Carey, but in this case it was nowhere near as successful. In fact I do not consider this book as a sequel to Pride and Prejudice, and to get through the book, it should be read as a novel in its own right with no reference to the original.
However even taking the book as a standalone novel in its own right, it is a laborious, and in some parts tedious, read. The characters are never fleshed out, the story itself is difficult to follow, the writing style is heavy handed and the pace extremely slow. In fact the only reason I finished the book is that it was one of my nominated books for a reading challenge – I will know in future to trust other people’s reviews and make better choices.